The project of putting all my CDs into iTunes continues. I also have a lot of Holiday music. I guess the album a year tradition does add up after a few years. I am officially on Maternity leave, and I have to say I didnt miss having to be at work by 10am this Tuesday. I did kinda want to go anyway. I am not due until Feb, but I am a little to unreliable for standing on my feet for 8 hours a day, and it isn't worth it to cut back my hours any more then I already had. So now, I have time to get things in order for the Baby. Of course I cannot lift anything to heavy, and bending and such is getting beyond the mildly uncomfortable stage. Which means sorting, and listing and then enlisting the Darling Husband when he gets home.
The most important Goals are to empty the Living Room of My "crap" or the various items and furniture from the move the end of Sept. Most of which are Books, in need of bookshelves, in the as yet unorganized Den. The 2nd Goal, is to organize myself and stuff. I would like to be able to access my things when I want/need them. So finding a place for everything, and putting everything in its place is Goal number 2.
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