Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Inconsistency to Consistency A Transition

I have been told more then Once that I set too lofty of goals and expectations for myself. I suppose my dreams of turning half written blog posts into eloquent prose that the internet enjoys is a bit beyond my actual ability to force myself to actually post those half written posts onto my blog. I have a very lovely one about Zombies and To do Lists that is sitting on my phone from waiting at a bus stop almost 6 months ago. I never actually do it thought. I have a problem with Follow through. If one is Astrologically minded I suppose it could be blamed on me being an Aries. Or could it have something to do with those natural blonde highlights? Flighty by nature, consistency isnt something I have been able to cultivate in my life. But I am 28 now and God Damn It I need to start acting like an adult.

So now the question becomes quantity or quality? Since having amazing content once a year pretty much equates to living in the stone age, waiting for some passer by who speaks a similar enough language to you to learn about the world outside your immediate group. I suppose quantity should be the choice de jour.

I will not promise you I will post every day. Heck if we get bi-weekly we are on a role.
I have already pomised myself daily smoothies, and that has been working out oh so well (every other day.) In addition to my lofty goals, I am increadibly hard on myself. Seriously who isnt harder on themselves then other people. Generally only jerks. I am not a jerk, at least I do not think I am a jerk, does anyone thinkt hey are a jerk, even when they are? It isnt really the type of question you can get first hand feed back on. Hey Jerk do you know you are a Jerk?

Anyway I am back to blogging because my mind wont shut up, and after the advice of my cousin, that I should journal, because I am entertaining, and it will help get stuff off my mind and into the outside world I am going to try. I am not really sure how I feel about stuff from my mind being released willy nilly into the wilds of the internets, but then I am not sure how I feel about unread library books either.

If there is anything to expect it should be tangents and some tangled paths.

Also Wedding stuff, at least until Sept since I am getting Married in Sept. I am not sure how I feel about having a Wedding. Do not get me wrong I love my Fiance and cannot wait to be Married to him. But a Wedding well that is another story, I am not gushy, and I feel I am suppose to be gushy so I am guilty for not being gushy. But then when I am gushy I see other people being annoyed at my gushy and I feel guilty for that. I am such a good Catholic girl, cept for the whole worshiping multiple deities, thing.

Well here is hoping it isnt another year before I post.

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